Thursday, August 17, 2006

8 Weeks Old

Yay! I am now 8 weeks old. I have grown heaps and learnt lots of new things since I arrived.

I'm not exactly sure how much I weigh as I don't see the Plunket Nurse until next week, but it's safe to say it's LOTS! I can now hold my head up pretty well, although I don't really like tummy time and my most impressive skill is that I can now find my mouth with my hand so that I can suck it. Here's a picture just to prove it.

At the moment I'm working on my rolling. Mum and I have been practicing and yesterday I managed to roll half way all by myself.

Yesterday, for my 8 week anniversay, my Granny Sue came to spend the day with me. She likes to help out with washing and stuff and as Mum and had all ready done most of it, I thought I'd help out by creating more. I did two big power vomits over Mum and me. Then I was thinking that Granny still wasn't busy enough, so I did a ginormous poo through my double nappy and got my clothes so that Granny could have a go at bathing me. Here's a photo of us having a bath together.

After all of my adventures for the day I was very worn out and with my new found skill of sucking my hand, I slept nearly 7 hours last night. Mum didn't quite manage the same as she didn't believe I could sleep that long, and she said I was very noisy with my slurping!


Kate, Samuel, Lachlan and Flynn McGregor said...

How clever is your mummy?! I will have to learn how to do this too. You are very clever to be able to find your hands young lady.
love aunty louby

Devery said...


That last comment was me too...somehow I logged into another person's account...I couldn't remember our password so I was trying lots...I got that person's...mmm. Strange.
Looking forward to seeing you really soon.
PS We can't make your video go...maybe cos we have dial up?