Thursday, August 31, 2006

10 Weeks Old

To celebrate my 10 week birthday I had lots and lots of visitors at my house.

First Jenny, Bronwyn and Kyle came to visit, then my Aunty Paula and Jessica came to visit with Aunty Louby and Kate. It was a very exciting day but a bit scary for me cause the big kids play with some pretty hard toys and I did sustain an injury from a fire truck driven madly at my head but I was ok after Mum gave me a cuddle.

Our Mum's wouldn't have their photos taken - something about not getting enough sleep but here are some of the three of us girls together.

In the afternoon, my Granny Sue came to visit to meet Jessica and Kate (and their Mums) and she bought us all matching outfits. We look so cute, hopefully we'll be able to get together over summer to really show them off.

I also had more visitors earlier in the week. Granny Sue brought her friend Jill to visit and she spoilt me with lovely presents. Aunty Leah and my cousins Jack and Cooper also came to visit. I'm looking forward to playing games with them when I get a bit bigger.

(Sorry can't get photos of Jack, Cooper & Mackenzie to upload - will try again later)

At 10 weeks old my favourite things to do are to push myself backwards with my legs - this is lots of fun when you're having your nappy changed or when I'm in the bath with Mum. I'm getting better at finding my mouth with my hand, I can now hit the toys on my play gym and I can roll half way by myself - Cooper showed me how he rolls all the way over so I've got some practising to do. But best of all, or so Mum says, is that I am learning to sleep much longer - last night I did 10 hours!

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