Sunday, July 09, 2006

Week Two

Well it has been a very busy week for our new family. My Mum has lots and lots of food for me and I like to eat and eat. Sometimes I like to eat too much and I throw up everything generally all over Mum. We don't have any photos of this as Mum isn't so keen on anyone taking photos of her dripping in vomit. But it keeps Dad busy too by providing him with plenty of washing every day.

This week I also had my first (Dad says my last too) naked photo session. The photographer said that I was the best baby she had ever photographed - but I think she might say that to all the babies. We don't get to see the photos until Wednesday (12th) but here are some other photos of me from during the week.

This is me practising my tummy time exercises. I can lift my head off the mat just not for very long.

This is me in one of the lovely outfits that my Grandma Johnston has knitted for me.

I don't much like sleeping during the day so sometimes Mum has to come to bed with me for cuddles so that we can both have a nap together.

This is me asleep in my hammock. I like sleeping in it at night, but if there is someone to cuddle during the day I'd much rather go to sleep like that.

Today I got to meet my big brother Andy who has come to stay with us for a few days during the school holidays.


Devery said...

Hi Mackenzie

You are very lucky to have a big brother. It looks like fun to have one.
You are very cute and it looks like you are very well loved.
I'm pleased to see that Mum has a cup of tea beside the bed...very important.
I think you need to meet Jessica, she learnt how to stop the vomiting. She may be able to teach you the trick. Until then I guess Dad has lots of washing to do!
Paula :)

Kate, Samuel, Lachlan and Flynn McGregor said...

You have already grown so much MacKenzie. I love your wee knitted stuff. You are very lucky. We are all looking forward to seeing you again really soon.

lots of love
Aunty louby and Kate