Friday, July 14, 2006

Who do I look like?

Lots of people ask who I look like.

Because my Grandma is such a good hoarder, Mum has her new born photo and her plunket book.

This is what Mum looked like when she was my age - we think we look pretty similar, although Mum seems to have a bit more hair than me.

We were also similar weights when we were born - Mum was 7lb 5 oz and I was 7lb 6 oz. Plus we were also both born on a Thursday.

When my other Grandma comes back from Australia we're going to see if she has some photos of Dad when he was my age too.

1 comment:

Kate, Samuel, Lachlan and Flynn McGregor said...

You sure do look like your Mum MacKenzie. Yah! I guess you'll be lovely and graceful and dignified just like her too. Hopefully we'll get to see you again soon.

Love Aunty Louby