Friday, July 28, 2006

5 Weeks Old

We've had another busy week. Mum doesn't know where the days go. We've been enjoying some lovely sunny weather so Mum and I have been out walking sometimes by ourselves and sometimes with friends from ante natal. Even though Mum tucks me up nice and tight in my pram I don't really like to sleep when we're walking there's so much to look at and listen to.

I am growing like a mushroom - I now weigh 10lbs and can wear big girl clothes. Check out my flash pumpkin patch outfit which I got from Dennis and Barbara Hurcomb.
I've been very spoilt with lots of nice clothes which I'm looking forward to wearing.

I also got to meet my Mum's plunket nurse, Gwen today. Here's a photo of us.
Next week I get my very own plunket nurse - I wonder whether she'll still come and visit me 30 odd years later!

1 comment:

Kate, Samuel, Lachlan and Flynn McGregor said...

You are a very beautiful wee lady MacKenzie. I'm glad you're enjoying all your lovely visitors and new clothes.

love aunty louby