Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My first holiday

I have spent the last week in Invercargill with my Aunty Louby, Uncle Stu and bestest friend Kate (and of course my Mum).

It was a wonderful time, I got to try out so many new experiences like feeding the ducks, going down a slide and my favourite the swings.

It was so much fun to play with Kate she was a very wonderful big sister to me and bought me all my favourite toys whenever I got up and gave me lots of cuddles. At night I'd do the naked nelly noo na nah dance for her and we would jump into the bath together and splash and splash until our Mum's were quite wet. She also taught me a new trick - I can now blow raspberries.

Kate also has a cool couch that you can lounge on to watch the wiggles which is just perfect for two little girls.

Thank you Aunty Louby & Uncle Stu for our wonderful holiday. We can't wait for you to come and play at our house next time.

1 comment:

Kate, Samuel, Lachlan and Flynn McGregor said...

It is very quiet at our house without you and your mum! We had so much fun together ah! We'll be able to get up to lots more mischief when I come to stay with you in December. Miss you lots xxx