Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Fun & Games

Yay for hands. Did you know that not only can you suck fingers and hold your own hands you can grab toys with your hands.

I've been learning to play with all my cool toys. Mum went off this morning to find me some clothes and came back to find that I'd taken up snake wrangling. I'd grabbed both Sasha the snake and Cassie the Caterpiller and was playing games with them.

They have girl names because all the toys on my playgym are boys - Walter the Whale, Steve the Seahorse and Olly the Octopus. My Dad says when I'm bigger that we're going to learn to dive together so that I can go and meet them all in the sea.

Last week Mum took me to see a special Doctor called an Osteopath because I've got a few problems with my neck and still have very bad wind. I thought he was a very fun man and laughed and smiled at him. Mum thought he was a very brave man as he was squishing my tummy and that normally causes me to vomit. Anyway he says I'm shaped like a banana but that he can fix me, so that sounds good. Next week I have to go and see the not so nice doctor who wants to poke me with needles but I'll try and be a brave girl.

1 comment:

Kate, Samuel, Lachlan and Flynn McGregor said...

I have to go and see a doctor with needles this week to MacKenzie. We'll have to be brave together!!

can't wait to see you again

love Kate