Saturday, October 28, 2006


I've started swimming lessons!

They're great fun. I was a little bit sleepy when we went but I still thought it was great to be a giant bath with lots of other babies.

I didn't get upset at all even when the funny lady poured water on my head. I could have stayed in there all day.

My Granny came to watch and took this photo of me and Mum.

Christmas Shopping

My Mum and I go and clear the mailbox everyday and people keep sending these books with pictures of toys & stuff in them that you can ask Santa for.

Mum said that I could have a read of it so that I knew what to ask Santa for....

however I decided it was just as much fun to eat the paper instead!

Friday, October 27, 2006

I can roll!

My mum took this really cute picture of me for my 4 month birthday.

While she was doing it, I showed her a new trick I've learnt - I can roll from my tummy to my back. I do a lot of contortions when I'm on my back to look behind me and find my toys but I've got no desire as yet to roll onto my tummy - being on my tummy is not my favourite place so why would I want to roll onto it?

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Yay for Holiday Weekends

My friends Paula, Matt and Jessica came to visit me today because they are on holiday up here all the way from Wellington.

Luckily I'm feeling much better today so I was able to share some smiles with them. I even got to meet Jessica's Grandma too.

Here's some photos of me with Paula and playing with Jessica.

Presents for me!

My Granny and Grandad bought me back lots of presents from their travels plus my Aunty Kathryn sent me some too so I've been very spoilt.

Granny bought me this dress in Singapore, it says its for babies who are 18 months old but they must breed them small over there as it nearly fits me now. No one's going to ask if I'm a boy or girl when I'm wearing this outfit!

4 months old

Yay I'm now four months old.

I went on a hunger strike this week so I've been a very unhappy girl. I've seen many medical professionals and they think that I might have my Dad's tastes and don't like the healthy multi-vitamins my Mum's been taking - I think she should stick to producing chocolate flavoured milk. They also think I'm getting my first tooth - unfortunately it can take up to 40 days for this to come through so I could be grumpy for quite a bit yet - isn't my mum lucky!

My Granny and Grandad came home this weekend. We went out to visit them in Te Awamutu yesterday and my cousins Jack & Cooper (and my Aunty Leah & Uncle Tony) were there too. I was still not very happy so I didn't smile too much but here are some photos of us all together.

Don't you think Cooper & I look alike!

Cooper could tell I wasn't very happy so he gave me a cuddle.

Then Jack decided he'd join in and cuddle Cooper so we were all cuddly together.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Look how much I've grown

When I was just 10 weeks old my Grandma bought me and my friends these cool shorts. Mine were a little big if you look back at the photo, but now they fit me perfectly. I'm seeing my friend Jessica very soon so I hope she's bringing hers with her so we can go on an outing in them. Then I'm going to go all the way to Invercargill so that Kate and I can be twins too - if its warm enough!

We've had another busy week. I still have very bad wind and this week it has been putting me off eating which hasn't made me very happy. If anybody has got any new ideas on how to get my wind out, please let us know as everyone in our house is getting a bit frustrated with it.

When I'm not windy I'm a very happy little girl who loves to talk and laugh and play with toys. Here's a picture of me with my teddy bear which my Aunty and Uncles sent me all the way from London.

My Granny & Grandad are over visiting my Aunty & Uncles at the moment and celebrating my Granny's 60th birthday in Spain.
I'm looking forward to seeing you next week Granny & Grandad.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Fun & Games

Yay for hands. Did you know that not only can you suck fingers and hold your own hands you can grab toys with your hands.

I've been learning to play with all my cool toys. Mum went off this morning to find me some clothes and came back to find that I'd taken up snake wrangling. I'd grabbed both Sasha the snake and Cassie the Caterpiller and was playing games with them.

They have girl names because all the toys on my playgym are boys - Walter the Whale, Steve the Seahorse and Olly the Octopus. My Dad says when I'm bigger that we're going to learn to dive together so that I can go and meet them all in the sea.

Last week Mum took me to see a special Doctor called an Osteopath because I've got a few problems with my neck and still have very bad wind. I thought he was a very fun man and laughed and smiled at him. Mum thought he was a very brave man as he was squishing my tummy and that normally causes me to vomit. Anyway he says I'm shaped like a banana but that he can fix me, so that sounds good. Next week I have to go and see the not so nice doctor who wants to poke me with needles but I'll try and be a brave girl.