Thursday, August 31, 2006

10 Weeks Old

To celebrate my 10 week birthday I had lots and lots of visitors at my house.

First Jenny, Bronwyn and Kyle came to visit, then my Aunty Paula and Jessica came to visit with Aunty Louby and Kate. It was a very exciting day but a bit scary for me cause the big kids play with some pretty hard toys and I did sustain an injury from a fire truck driven madly at my head but I was ok after Mum gave me a cuddle.

Our Mum's wouldn't have their photos taken - something about not getting enough sleep but here are some of the three of us girls together.

In the afternoon, my Granny Sue came to visit to meet Jessica and Kate (and their Mums) and she bought us all matching outfits. We look so cute, hopefully we'll be able to get together over summer to really show them off.

I also had more visitors earlier in the week. Granny Sue brought her friend Jill to visit and she spoilt me with lovely presents. Aunty Leah and my cousins Jack and Cooper also came to visit. I'm looking forward to playing games with them when I get a bit bigger.

(Sorry can't get photos of Jack, Cooper & Mackenzie to upload - will try again later)

At 10 weeks old my favourite things to do are to push myself backwards with my legs - this is lots of fun when you're having your nappy changed or when I'm in the bath with Mum. I'm getting better at finding my mouth with my hand, I can now hit the toys on my play gym and I can roll half way by myself - Cooper showed me how he rolls all the way over so I've got some practising to do. But best of all, or so Mum says, is that I am learning to sleep much longer - last night I did 10 hours!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

9 Weeks Old

I am 9 weeks old today.

I now weigh 5.3kg or 11lb, 11oz. This week I've been figuring out that I can't fit my whole fist in my mouth so I'm trying to separate some of those finger things and try and just get one or two in my mouth at a time. I seem to miss alot and just end up making the sucking noises - but that lets Mum know I'm hungry and she's gives me something else to suck.

Mum decided I needed a bit more entertainment than just her silly songs so I've been having a go with the play gym. I can watch the things swing and I try and get them with my hands but they keep running away.

I've had a very busy week. Paula and Mike from Wellington came to visit me last weekend - Paula gave me cuddles, but I think Mike was too scared that I'd make him clucky.

Then on Tuesday I had a very busy day with the Plunket Nurse coming, Granny's friend Vicky visiting to admire me and then I got to go to my first birthday party at Kyle's house. Big kids sure make a lot of noise.

On Wednesday Mum and me went out for lunch with with one of her friends from work. I made sure Mum didn't eat any of the yummy things she wanted because I didn't want to get wind. On Wednesday afternoon I wasn't so keen on having sleeps so Mum decided we'd take some photos - don't I look cute.

Today we're off on a big adventure to Rotorua again - this time without my Dad, I'm sure he'll enjoy a night of peaceful sleep without me around!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

8 Weeks Old

Yay! I am now 8 weeks old. I have grown heaps and learnt lots of new things since I arrived.

I'm not exactly sure how much I weigh as I don't see the Plunket Nurse until next week, but it's safe to say it's LOTS! I can now hold my head up pretty well, although I don't really like tummy time and my most impressive skill is that I can now find my mouth with my hand so that I can suck it. Here's a picture just to prove it.

At the moment I'm working on my rolling. Mum and I have been practicing and yesterday I managed to roll half way all by myself.

Yesterday, for my 8 week anniversay, my Granny Sue came to spend the day with me. She likes to help out with washing and stuff and as Mum and had all ready done most of it, I thought I'd help out by creating more. I did two big power vomits over Mum and me. Then I was thinking that Granny still wasn't busy enough, so I did a ginormous poo through my double nappy and got my clothes so that Granny could have a go at bathing me. Here's a photo of us having a bath together.

After all of my adventures for the day I was very worn out and with my new found skill of sucking my hand, I slept nearly 7 hours last night. Mum didn't quite manage the same as she didn't believe I could sleep that long, and she said I was very noisy with my slurping!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Party! Party! Party!

On Monday I had my first party.

I had 6 babies from my ante natal group and their Mums over to play.

We had a big mat down in the lounge and we lay around and looked at each other. while our Mum's made us chocolate milk by eating lots of chocolate cake.

Some of the bigger babies played with my toys - they were really clever and could hold them and put them in their mouths. I haven't got past just staring at them myself yet. I prefer to hold other things like big peoples fingers or even better my mum's hair (especially when she is trying to put me down).

Here's a photo of a few of us lying on my mat - the others were up enjoying their chocolate milk!

Me & Zara

Me, Amber and Maggie

Saturday, August 12, 2006

My big trip to Rotorua

On Saturday we went to Rotorua to spend the night with my Aunty Louby, Uncle Stu and Kate.

I made sure it was as difficult and disorganised as possible for Mum and Dad by keeping them up all night the night before with my wind. However once we got to Aunty Louby's house I was a perfect angel. I slept for 3 hours at a time and even did a big 5 hour sleep during the night and I didn't vomit anywhere!

Mum and Aunty Louby had a nice time eating cheesecake and gossiping while Dad and Uncle Stu went out on the town.

Kate and I played together in the bath and then had some cuddles on the couch.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Visitors from Rotorua

Today my Aunty Louby and my friend Kate came to visit all the way from Rotorua.

I saw them when I was newly arrived in this world but this time I was much more talkative and shared some jokes with my Aunty Louby...

and some kisses with my friend Kate.

My Dad wanted to see Aunty Louby too so he came home for lunch and took this photo of all of us together.

Tomorrow we're going on a big adventure to stay the night at Aunty Louby's house and then on Monday I'm having my first party with all my friends from ante natal coming to visit my house - wow life is fun!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

6 Weeks Old

Wow I am now 6 weeks old. Mum doesn't know where the days go. Life seems very busy but Mum says its just that our outings take so much more effort with all the stuff I need. I'm getting much better at sleeping though - it turns out those stories about the magical 6 week mark are right!

On Monday I had to go to the Doctors for my 6 week check up and my immunistaions. It wasn't much fun but I was a big brave girl and held Mum's hand and didn't yell too much when they poked me with the needles.

Then on Tuesday, Granny Sue came to visit and we went looking at houses with her. I was supposed to be sleeping but I thought she might need my opinion on them and I needed to check out which room would be mine if I came to visit.

Here is a photo of me with my Mum when we were out and about.