Monday, July 31, 2006

Big Day Out

Today I went on my biggest outing yet. I went all the way to Te Awamutu to visit my Grandma and Grandad and to see Gwen who was staying with them.

When I got there I had some nice chats with my Grandad and gave him lots of smiles.

I even had a sleep in Grandma's cot.

Mum said it was a good practice trip for when we go to visit Aunty Louby and my friend Kate in Rotorua - hopefully very soon!

Friday, July 28, 2006

5 Weeks Old

We've had another busy week. Mum doesn't know where the days go. We've been enjoying some lovely sunny weather so Mum and I have been out walking sometimes by ourselves and sometimes with friends from ante natal. Even though Mum tucks me up nice and tight in my pram I don't really like to sleep when we're walking there's so much to look at and listen to.

I am growing like a mushroom - I now weigh 10lbs and can wear big girl clothes. Check out my flash pumpkin patch outfit which I got from Dennis and Barbara Hurcomb.
I've been very spoilt with lots of nice clothes which I'm looking forward to wearing.

I also got to meet my Mum's plunket nurse, Gwen today. Here's a photo of us.
Next week I get my very own plunket nurse - I wonder whether she'll still come and visit me 30 odd years later!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

1 month old

Today I am one month old - my how time flies.

My Granny Sue bought me some sleep suits for my one month birthday. I got them a bit early so that I could ensure they were well and truly christened by the time my birthday came around - I've vomited on them and poohed on them both now so they're both in the wash and Mum doesn't know quite what I'll be wearing to bed tonight.

Here's a picture of me wearing one of them when they were clean!

Mum says I'm growing like a mushroom. I haven't been weighed for a while but Mum and Dad went to put me in my flash Winnie the Pooh outfit this morning and they couldn't squeeze me in it. They had to upgrade to some of the lovely clothes I have got as presents in the 0 - 3 month size. I like these clothes better anyway as they're more girly and when I go out people won't ask Mum if I'm a boy or girl then.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Playing with my toys

I'm starting to notice what's going on around me - I particularly like the TV but Mum and Dad don't like me watching that so they try and distract me with toys.

This is one of the really cool toys I got from my cousins in Feilding.

I have to be careful sometimes though because I left it on the floor and my cat Chess decided he wanted to play with it too.

Me & My Friends

On Sunday we went to a morning tea with our ante natal group.

Here is a picture of me with all my friends.

I'm the youngest in the group, but not the smallest!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Who do I look like?

Lots of people ask who I look like.

Because my Grandma is such a good hoarder, Mum has her new born photo and her plunket book.

This is what Mum looked like when she was my age - we think we look pretty similar, although Mum seems to have a bit more hair than me.

We were also similar weights when we were born - Mum was 7lb 5 oz and I was 7lb 6 oz. Plus we were also both born on a Thursday.

When my other Grandma comes back from Australia we're going to see if she has some photos of Dad when he was my age too.

Week Three

This week I've been having lots of cuddles with my Dad and Grandma because I've been wearing my Mum out. I'm growing well and now weigh over 9lbs.

Here are some photos of me on my 3 week old birthday having some lunchtime talks with Dad.

On Friday we went to spend some time at the Hamilton Family Centre so they could watch me feed and sleep and see if they could help Mum out a bit. They were fantastic and while Mum is a bit wary of getting too confident that all our problems are sorted; I have now done 5 x 3 hour sleeps in a row which is a huge achievement for me and Mum feels like a new woman because she got to sleep 3 of those.

I've been practising my smiling too and I now share my smiles with other people too. Here's a special smile for all my web page visitors!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My Dad's Birthday

Yesterday (11 July) was my Dad's birthday.

My big brother Andy cooked him breakfast in bed and we all (including Chess)sat on Mum and Dad's bed while Dad opened his presents.

After the presents, Dad and I were a bit tired so we curled up in bed together to have a wee nap while Mum was having a shower. Mum thought it was quite naughty as I don't like to go to sleep in my own bed after that.

During the day we all went in to see Dad at work, apparently lots of people wanted to meet me, but I kept my eyes shut while we were there.

At dinner time, we had a birthday cake and sang Dad happy birthday. But in the end he had to cook his own dinner as Mum was far too busy feeding me.

I have started smiling now, but at the moment I reserve them only for my Mum, I didn't even give Dad one for his birthday. I did make him some nice surprises in my nappy though. Mum still didn't think he was as lucky as her as I power chucked on her three times yesterday!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Week Two

Well it has been a very busy week for our new family. My Mum has lots and lots of food for me and I like to eat and eat. Sometimes I like to eat too much and I throw up everything generally all over Mum. We don't have any photos of this as Mum isn't so keen on anyone taking photos of her dripping in vomit. But it keeps Dad busy too by providing him with plenty of washing every day.

This week I also had my first (Dad says my last too) naked photo session. The photographer said that I was the best baby she had ever photographed - but I think she might say that to all the babies. We don't get to see the photos until Wednesday (12th) but here are some other photos of me from during the week.

This is me practising my tummy time exercises. I can lift my head off the mat just not for very long.

This is me in one of the lovely outfits that my Grandma Johnston has knitted for me.

I don't much like sleeping during the day so sometimes Mum has to come to bed with me for cuddles so that we can both have a nap together.

This is me asleep in my hammock. I like sleeping in it at night, but if there is someone to cuddle during the day I'd much rather go to sleep like that.

Today I got to meet my big brother Andy who has come to stay with us for a few days during the school holidays.