Thursday, January 11, 2007

Party Party Party

We went to a party at my friend's Kyle and Jamie's House.

My Granny & Grandad were there, Uncle Tony, Aunty Leah, Jack and Cooper plus the Merediths. It was lots of fun.

I played games with my cousin Cooper and my grandparents.

Mum and Dad wanted me to have a sleep but I could hear everyone having fun so I said no. Granny took me for a walk in the pushchair instead - when I left I was lying down so I could have a little sleep, but somehow when I came back I was sitting in the toddler seat. My Granny lets me get away with murder!

1 comment:

Kate, Samuel, Lachlan and Flynn McGregor said...

You have a very busy social life little lady - sounds like heaps fun. You look very beautiful in your little dress too.
love From Aunty louby, Uncle Stu and Kate xxx