Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'm growing up so fast....

I'm fast turning into a big girl. I don't really like to play on my back any more - being upright and able to look at the world is so much more exciting so I've been practising sitting up a lot.

I like to reach for things with two hands now and my Mum feels very special because for the first time I reached for her too - although my favourite thing to reach for is still Chess the cat.

Chess loves my Daddy nearly as much as me, but lucky we're pretty good at sharing him.

This weekend I'm going to be a really big girl and start having some solids. I've been watching Mum and Dad and I think I've got this eating thing sorted out - I can't wait to try it.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

My friend Pooh

This is me and my friend Pooh.

I like to give him lots of cuddles before bed. He was my Mum's pooh bear but she says its ok if I look after him for now.

I am a big 5 months old today. I'm growing very fast and I'm much more interested in the world around me. I love Mr Chess our cat and always reach out to give him cuddles when he comes near me. He is a very nice pussy cat and even lets me pat him sometimes.

Last week I had some cool photos taken - but you'll have to wait until Christmas time to see them....

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Fun & Games at Granny's House

Yesterday I spent the day at my Grandma & Grandad's house. Mum and I went out to visit the local priest who is going to baptise me but we ended up spending the whole day there as my Dad is away on a course at the moment.

Grandad came home to visit at lunchtime, but he still has to work for another 5 weeks, and then he can enjoy all the fun & games with me.

I told Granny lots and lots of stories and refused to have any sleep as there were too many fun games to play. I even helped bring in the washing.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My first holiday

I have spent the last week in Invercargill with my Aunty Louby, Uncle Stu and bestest friend Kate (and of course my Mum).

It was a wonderful time, I got to try out so many new experiences like feeding the ducks, going down a slide and my favourite the swings.

It was so much fun to play with Kate she was a very wonderful big sister to me and bought me all my favourite toys whenever I got up and gave me lots of cuddles. At night I'd do the naked nelly noo na nah dance for her and we would jump into the bath together and splash and splash until our Mum's were quite wet. She also taught me a new trick - I can now blow raspberries.

Kate also has a cool couch that you can lounge on to watch the wiggles which is just perfect for two little girls.

Thank you Aunty Louby & Uncle Stu for our wonderful holiday. We can't wait for you to come and play at our house next time.