Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Summer's arrived!

Mum and I have still been a bit under the weather but we've been trying to get out in the sun to kill off our bugs.

Mum has been having fun dressing me in pretty dresses - you have to admit I look pretty cute!

I have a cool new trick. When Mum puts me in bed in anything but my gogo bag, I can escape out of my blankets and push myself all the way to the top of my cot. I think this is really cool, the only problem is, if I do it in the middle of the night, I get a bit chilly as I haven't figured out how to get back under the blankets yet.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

3 months old

This week has not been such a good week for Mum and me. We've both been sick with a cold. It's very bad timing as my Granny Sue is off enjoying cruising round the Greek Islands so she can't come and look after us. Lucky she left us with a stockpile of meals in the freezer before she left. I've been spending lots of time with my Dad while Mum has been catching up on her sleep, I've even done some tummy time exercises on top of Dad's tummy.

Mum says its lucky I'm such a happy little girl and will stay playing in my cot while she continues to sleep. I like to talk to Winnie the Pooh and tell him all my stories and I've discovered these amazing things on the end of my arms. Mum says they're called hands - I can stare at them for hours and then I extend them out and bring them into my mouth and then stretch them out again. They're also good for grabbing stuff - like Mum and Dad's hair!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

12 Weeks Old

I'm 12 weeks old today. To celebrate we're going to coffee morning with the other babies which is just like having a party.

Yesterday I took my Grandma & Grandad to Auckland Airport so that they could go and visit my Aunty and Uncles over in London. I was a very good girl. I had a little nap in the car, but then when I woke up my Grandma was sitting next to me and she wanted to talk, so for once I let someone else have a say.

At the airport there was lots to see and a funny man who kept making loud announcements but I didn't see too many aeroplanes.

After all the excitement I was very tired, so I slept all the way back to Hamilton but I still had enough energy to play games and tell Dad all about my trip when I got home.

After all my adventures and to celebrate being such a big grown up girl I decided I would have a big sleep and did 11 hours. 7.30pm to 6.30am which my Mum thought was fantastic as she was pretty tired too.

Hope you have a great holiday Granny & Grandad - lots of love Mackenzie xxx

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Meeting My Nana & Grandad Johnston

My Nana & Grandad Johnston came all the way up from the Hawkes Bay to visit me for the weekend.

Here are some lovely photos of all of us together.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

11 Weeks Old

Up until now I've been sharing Mum & Dad's room with them and sleeping in my hammock.

Mum had great plans to move me downstairs but was going to do it slowly so I didn't get upset. She treats me like such a baby when I'm a big girl now so I just decided that I would stay sleeping in my cot all night on Tuesday when Mum and Dad thought I was just going to have nap - sometimes you need to show these parents whose boss.

I love my cot because I can see Winnie the Pooh and Eyeore and all their friends on my wall. I talk to them as I go to sleep and I talk to them when I wake up, in fact I like to talk and talk and talk - Mum says I must take after my Granny Sue and Aunty Kathryn!

Here's a picture of my very comfy cot and friends on the wall.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Happy Fathers Day!

On Sunday I got to share my first Fathers Day with my Dad. Mum and I had been shopping and bought him a coffee maker to help him cope with the early mornings now I'm around.

I got to give my Dad lots of cuddles all day which was extra special cause he's been sick and wouldn't cuddle me in case I caught his bugs - which I've managed to do anyway.

My Grandad also came to visit to celebrate Fathers Day with us and to see how good out kitchen/dining area looks now its all finished - we needed to show him that all his hard work was worth it - Lucky he's retiring so he'll have more time to help Mum and Dad finish the next 6 rooms!

The Old Kitchen

The New Kitchen