Monday, April 09, 2012

Uncle Geoff's wedding

We had a very exciting easter, heading off to Australia to celebrate Uncle Geoff and Aunty Alex's wedding.

We spent our first evening meeting Aunty Alex's family....

wrestling Uncles and 

having horsey races, although Alex had trouble understanding why Uncle Ali wasn't up to horsey races again the next day.

All the kids had lots of fun

Then the big day arrived. The girls were all very excited to be asked to be flower girls....

It was a beautiful ceremony, Aunty Alex looked beautiful and Uncle Geoff didn't scrub up too badly either

Mackenzie took her responsibilities as a flower girl very seriously and didn't leave her spot - she was very proud to hold Aunty Alex's flowers while she was busy exchanging rings with Uncle Geoff

And to top it off she got her photo with Uncle Geoff and Aunty Alex just like she dreamed about.

Our Alex wasn't so excited by the wedding but he did think the balloons and bouncy castle were pretty cool!

The next day the kids enjoyed an easter egg hunt and some golf lessons from Great Aunty B and Uncle Ali.

And then went on an outing with Granny and Grandad for the afternoon to try and find a dam. We didn't find the dam but we did find a nice view and a playground.

Congratulations Uncle Geoff and Aunty Alex - enjoy your honeymoon.

1 comment:

Devery said...

Beautiful wedding! They look so happy.