Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wenesday 22 June - Mackenzie turns 5!

The big day finally arrived. Mackenzie was spoiled with presents in bed - although Alex was very taken by her new bike.

Then it was off to kindy for the big farewell. There had been so much build up she new exactly how it would all go....

Being the centre of attention

Butterfly dance

Reading her bithday card

Then a last day playing with all her friends

Meanwhile Alex was having fun at Playcentre with a special friends day.

Then as a special treat Mackenzie got to go horse riding in the afternoon with Mummy and Granny watching on. Mum's not so sure it was a great idea when Mackenzie said she'd like to do it every day!
Then to make the day truly complete it was off to Old McDonalds for dinner.
Happy Birthday our very special 5 year old

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