Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Alex's birthday

For Alex's birthday, he got to open presents early in the morning...

Had a special music class where he got to choose all Wiggles songs. Then came home for morning tea with Lavinia, Granny, Bridget and Mummy.

Then Lavinia and Alex whipped up a special morning tea for Tom.At two Alex is talking in short sentences and has suddenly developed quite an independent streak - "I do it" and "mine" are favourite sayings. He has only just mastered saying his own name, and loves to make everyone sit in a circle patting their knees like at music, saying "my name is Alex, and that's my name". He hasen't mastered his sister's name, she is still 'ken' but I love her very much. She comes home from school and Alex says "Hi Ken" and gives her a hug. Alex is a lovely happy boy who sleeps now. The only food he can't eat is dairy products although for some reason he loves to get the milk out of the fridge. His favourite things in the world are teddy, Mackenzie and animals particularly dogs.

Mackenzie's party with her friends

On Saturday 25 June, Mackenzie had her birthday party with her friends.

It was a pool party, with a very special Rapunzel cake.

Happy school days

Thursday 23 June 2011 saw Mackenzie off for her first day at St Jospeh's Fairfield. She was super excited.

Her teacher, Mrs Mace, says she's fitting in well and is doing great. Mackenzie and Mummy are still finding their feet about how things work at school but Mackenzie is loving bringing home reading books and proudly reading stories to anyone who will listen.

Wenesday 22 June - Mackenzie turns 5!

The big day finally arrived. Mackenzie was spoiled with presents in bed - although Alex was very taken by her new bike.

Then it was off to kindy for the big farewell. There had been so much build up she new exactly how it would all go....

Being the centre of attention

Butterfly dance

Reading her bithday card

Then a last day playing with all her friends

Meanwhile Alex was having fun at Playcentre with a special friends day.

Then as a special treat Mackenzie got to go horse riding in the afternoon with Mummy and Granny watching on. Mum's not so sure it was a great idea when Mackenzie said she'd like to do it every day!
Then to make the day truly complete it was off to Old McDonalds for dinner.
Happy Birthday our very special 5 year old

Alex and Mackenzie's birthday party

Saturday 18 June saw all Mackenzie and Alex's close friends and family gather to celebrate their birthdays.

It was very exciting unwrapping presents...

Getting phone calls from Aunty Alex...

Alex's favourite part was the lollies

although he did get a very special present from Grandad Johnston, a real police hat

And thank goodness for Granny who came to the rescue and whipped up the birthday cake.

Finally there was an appearance by the royal family - King Ali, Princess Leeanne and Princess Mackenzie

What a great day - thanks everyone for spoiling us!

Kindy disco

Mum hurt her back again so wasn't up to going to the kindy disco this year, lucky for Mackenzie she has some lovely friends who were happy to take another princess along with them...

Monday, June 20, 2011

"I drive"

This is Alex's favourite saying. Whenever he arrives home he must have a turn driving the car and pressing all the buttons. It's even more fun if he can sucker someone into sitting in the passenger seat to go on the trip too.

I'm sure with one Grandad as a Police officer and one as a driver tester he could get his licence a little early!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Grandad's 65th birthday

The whole McLauchlan family went on an adventure to Miranda Springs for Grandad's 65th birthday.

We had lots of fun

Chasing butterflies

Watching birds

Playing with cousins, Uncles and Aunties

Then Granny made us all dress up in Scottish clothes for a birthday lunch - there were some pretty funny looking people then!

Happy birthday Grandad!

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Mackenzie's kindy concert

Kindy put on a concert of the Maori songs they've been practising. As usual Mackenzie loved performing, she's got quite fond of learning Maori too and loves educating her parents.