Monday, September 13, 2010

Alex 14 1/2 months

Hi, its me mischief maker.

Its very hard to get a photo of me these days as I like to chase the camera. In fact I am full of mischief full stop but I am feeling much better these days. We don't really know why, but I've gone from a child who never slept to one who takes my teddy and heads to my bedroom when I feel I need a sleep.

I'm saying lots more words like up, down, gone, ah oh, baa. brmm brmm. . I understand everything thats said to me and I can nod now instead of just shake my head.

Today Grandad came to drop something off and for the first time I even managed to say Grandad. I love my Grandad. He's even more popular than Mum, Dad or anyone. If he's around he's the only one I want to be with.

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