Sunday, December 05, 2010

A busy weekend

We had a very busy weekend. First we went to the Horsham Downs gala day and rides on horses. Mackenzie was super brave and went on a huge horse, here's hoping that's not getting added to the Christmas present list!
Then Mummy, Mackenzie and Granny headed off to Auckland to see the Nutcracker.
It was lots of fun having a girls day out, especially when you get to stop at Old McDonalds for tea on the way home!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

All the grandparents

We love having all our grandparents to visit!

Playing outside

Nannie and Grandad have been to stay and helped us create an awesome outdoor area to enjoy summer.

We can play in the sandpit..

In the sprinkler...

In the pool....

And when it all gets too hot, we can head indoors and make a hut.

Donkey farm

We went on a fun outing to the donkey farm with Aunty Kathryn and Bella.

There were tractors and donkeys to ride, animals to feed and sand

Monday, November 15, 2010

The big sleepover

After much anticipation Eve finally stayed the night, although there wasn't a lot of sleeping going on.

Alex loved joining in with the big kids doing art just like at kindy

Playing outside

We've got lovely new grass to run around on.

While outside Mummy got a special tinkerbell makeover.

Granny & Grandad's new toy

Granny and Grandad bought a cool new toy for us kids to play with. I loved climbing in and out and waving ta ta - which was code for "Grandad time to push me."


We found a new play area that had cool bikes to ride on.

Best friends

Alex with his best friend Tom. Unfortunately for Tom Alex's 'love' normally involves full body hugs where he gets rather squashed.

My kids like to hide in boxes

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Our ballet star!

Mackenzie did an amazing job in her show.

Here is a photo of her with The King of Chocolate, Nelson and her friend Luciella.

Also a photo in full costume with Luciella and her mum.

Alex is now working on his performance skills and nearly has all the actions to a wiggles song sorted. As soon as we manage to capture it on video we'll upload it.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Our ballet girl

Here is Miss Mackenzie in her beautiful tutu for her ballet concert.

Anyone who wants to come along its Friday 29 or Saturday 30 October.

Am I trendy enough now Aunty Louby???

Aunty Louby told my mum that I didn't have enough clothes and that she needed to appreciate little boys clothes more so Mum and Dad took me shopping and bought me this trendy outfit.
I keep the hat on for at least two seconds at a time!

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Busy first day home

Our first day home and we didn't get a chance to miss our friends.

Mackenzie had everyone lined up to see a Fireman Sam show at the mall

then off out to see Granny and Grandad and catch up with Jo, Murray and Megan. There was even a chance for birthday cake and lollies.

Alex and Mackenzie also took the chance to try out Grandad's train after spending so much time playing with Sam's Thomas Trains. Alex is still confused as to why his don't move when he presses the black button.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Holiday in Invercargill

We went for an exciting trip to Invercargill to see our friends Aunty Louby, Uncle Stu, Kate, Sam and Lachie.

Plus this time we were very lucky as Paula, Matt, Jessica and Zac were visiting too.

Here are the three mum's looking slightly older than there last photo together pre kids.

Hardly surprising when you see the gaggle of kids...

Every meal was like a party and we got to have lots of fun together.

The little boys loved sharing a love of The Wiggles

While the big kids were performers

All intespersed with lamb feeding.

And gaining new skills like scootering

and slides

Alex particularly loved the farming lifestyle up at 5am, driving his tractor and checking on the cows and feeding lambs - perfect!

Getting married

We've been washing the dress ups from kindy over the holidays which was a great chance to have a play with them too.

Mackenzie liked dressing up as a bride and performing wedding ceremonies. Luckily Alex was willing to play the handsome prince!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Alex and his best friend Grandad

Daddy rides

Our grown up girl

Our big brave girl went and had her 4 year old injections done.
As a reward she was allowed to go to Old McDonalds for tea.

The next day she was even more grown up and went on a bus trip all the way to Auckland with kindy - her Mummy tried very hard not to worry too much!

Our bubba

Look at our big bubba. Someone found their old carry cot and loved having a play climbing in and out although I think it was more a boat or car than a bed.
The big bubba is officially weaned at 14 1/2 months and even sometimes considers sleeping through the night!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Alex 14 1/2 months

Hi, its me mischief maker.

Its very hard to get a photo of me these days as I like to chase the camera. In fact I am full of mischief full stop but I am feeling much better these days. We don't really know why, but I've gone from a child who never slept to one who takes my teddy and heads to my bedroom when I feel I need a sleep.

I'm saying lots more words like up, down, gone, ah oh, baa. brmm brmm. . I understand everything thats said to me and I can nod now instead of just shake my head.

Today Grandad came to drop something off and for the first time I even managed to say Grandad. I love my Grandad. He's even more popular than Mum, Dad or anyone. If he's around he's the only one I want to be with.

The three musketeers

This is Mackenzie and her friends Eve and Lauren. They all started day care together when they were only one and still love getting together for fun and games.
This was Eve's fourth birthday party although many of Mackenzie's friends from kindy are turning 5 and heading to school. Mackenzie can't wait to join them and plays schools all the time. She loves practising writing and is even starting to read her first words.