Friday, January 04, 2008

Our New Pussy Cats

It's been a long time since our Mr Chess died and we've all been missing having a pussy cat around - so much so that we've been plotting to steal the neighbour's!

We finally decided to go and visit the SPCA and have a look at their pussy cats. Mum wanted one, but Dad was keen on two and there was a brother and sister in desparate need of a home so guess who now lives with us.

They're very friendly pussy cats who don't mind when I give them kisses and cuddles and like to tickle me with their tails which I think is very funny. At the moment they don't come out and play too much, but I'm hoping they'll feel at home soon so I can have lots more cuddles.

This is Thomas
and this is Roxy

No - we didn't choose their names!

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