Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

I was a very good girl and slept in until 6.30 on Christmas morning. Then I had a play in my bed with my dolls and picked out some clothes to wear from my drawers before I called out to Mum that I was ready to get up.

I was then very patient and got dressed while I waited for my Dad to come downstairs - he doesn't like getting up in the mornings!

Then I got to open my presents from Santa - Wow! He brought me my cash register plus lots of other small things to play with.
I went outside to check if the reindeer had eaten the carrots and then I spotted somthing....

A playhouse at my house!
I love my house and had everyone playing in it, although Grandad said he had learnt his lesson from the night before and that it was too small for him to get into.

I tried to use my swimming ring too but there was no water and Mum wouldn't let me go to Aunty Leah's house.
Then Nannie and Grandad turned up and there were more presents!
After my sleep we went to Granny and Grandad's house for Christmas dinner. Granny and Grandad had bought water pistols for us to surprise Uncle Ali with when he arrived. It took me a while to master but once I had I wanted to squirt everyone for hours just like my big cousin Jack!
Then of course there were more presents!
I had a very big day and got very tired at the end of it - thank you everyone for spoiling me so much.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was very exciting. Granny and Grandad brought their caravan to our house to sleep in. Then we went to church and I had Granny, Grandad and Mum all dancing in a circle to the Christmas Carols (yes in a packed church).

After church we came home and got ready for Santa. I put out a snack for him and the reindeer and hung up my stocking...

Once I was asleep, the elves got to work...

Me and my Dad

Me and my Dad are very good friends these days. We like to do lots of fun things together and have lots of cuddles.

Here I am helping Dad wash his big red car.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Merry Christmas everyone!

Here's my in my santa hat...

and singing my favourite santa song - really loud!

I'm ready to go out Granny!

I like to have a lot of input into what I wear these days.

Today I thought my tutu might be the thing for an outing with Granny...
By the time she arrived I'd changed my mind and my clothes another couple of times though.

Sorry I"ve been away so long...

Mum's just been busy with work and stuff and hasn't got near the computer.

In November my bestest friends came to stay for the weekend.

It was so much fun, I wish they'd come and live in the Waikato so we could play all the time.

Monday, October 20, 2008

My holiday

Last week I went on holiday to the beach with Mummy and Daddy.

Then Granny and Grandad came for a few days.

We had a birthday cake to celebrate Granny's birthday,...
then I took everyone down to the beach to build sand castles. I got very wet so I took all my clothes off, although I couldn't understand why everyone else wouldn't take there's off too.

We did all sorts of fun things on holiday.

We played at the park - everyone had a turn on the slide - even Grandad and Granny!

Then we went to the hot pools...

and built more sand castles...

and enjoyed ice cream on the beach.

Holidays were fun but after 6 days I was missing my friends Tom and Roxy so I told Mum and Dad it was time to go home.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Dressing myself

I decided to dress myself after my bath last night.

I put on my knickers and then my pyjama pants.

Then I had to stand up to pull up my pyjama pants - you can see I'm modelling the latest knicker design - they go around your waist!
Then I put my pyjama shirt on (Mum did the buttons) and said "I did it!"
Aren't I the cleverest girl in the world.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


I got to go to Hi-5! It was sooo cool, there were heaps of kids and great music to dance to - I even went up the front so I could dance with all the other kids!

Granny, Aunty Leah, Jack and Cooper came too - we had sooo much fun that I've been asking Mum if we go again tomorrow.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm a star!

My Mum and Dad think I'm the cleverest girl in the world.

I've pretty much got this toilet training thing sussed and haven't had any accidents for two days and even tell Mum when I don't need to go.

I'm also an excellent singer - I can sing lots of songs all by myself including ABC, Twinkle, Twinkle, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Incy Wincy and Happy Birthday.

Here's a video of me singing ABC for Mum today.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hanging out at home

This is me and my friends hanging out at 'work'. You have to go to work a lot in our house.
Then Tom and I played hiding under the bed.
You can make up lots of fun games at home.

Tonight I was a really clever girl and went wees on the toilet all by myself!

Fathers Day

On Father's Day I took all my friends for a ride on my bike.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

I am a dancing queen....

We went for a little drive to Granny & Grandad's for afternoon tea today.

I showed Granny & Grandad my dancing...

and then Granny and I practiced shopping together - Granny and I are very good at shopping

Friday, August 29, 2008

Who needs a double stroller

We borrowed granny's stroller for Sam's visit - I decided to turn it into a double stroller just like Aunty Louby's one!

My friend Sam (and Aunty Louby)

My friend Sam and Aunty Louby came for a little holiday.

It was sooo exciting. I was running around and around in cirles on the first night.

Normally my Mum is number one, but not when my Aunty Louby is here - I liked to eat my dinner with her, have my bottle with her and have her read me stories - lucky she's my Godmother!

I gave Sam so many cuddles that Mum and Aunty Louby think we might get married one day but other people thought we were twins especially when we went out in our matching jackets.
but sometimes Sam tickles when you're having cuddles.
We had lots of fun having baths together, eating breakfast and generally running around.
Please come back and live in the North Island soon Aunty Louby (prefrably in the Waikato!)

Its my couch!

My pussy cat Tom thinks that the little pink couch is all his.

But I've got news for him - he still has to share with me even when I'm wearing my styley swimming hat around the house!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Let's Go

This afternoon while Mum was talking to Jenny I decided to raid her handbag.

I put on her hat and gloves and then to make sure I was completely ready to go, I got her credit card out of her wallet!

My big girl bed

Last Sunday I helped Mummy and Daddy set up my big girl bed.

I've been sleeping in happily ever since - its very cosy.


Sometimes after my bath I don't like to put clothes on, but its ok because I can snuggle with Daddy and Tom on the couch.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

King Daddy

I've been sick for a whole week. It hasn't been fun but I've got to spend lots of time with my Granny and get Daddy to play funny games with me like wearing a crown.

I've also been learning lots of new things - I can now count to 10 all by myself!

Daddy's Birthday

My daddy had a birthday. I wished it was mine again but it was still fun.

I'd been sick all day so Mum and I didn't get to baking a cake, but we bought him one so that we could have candles.