Monday, May 14, 2007

The ends of the earth

Mum and I went on a wee trip to visit my Aunty Louby, Uncle Stu, Kate and Sam all the way down in Invercargill.

I was very good on the plane, although I wasn't too keen on having to sit on Mum's knee for take off and landing - I was trying to talk to all the people on the plane - I can talk louder than the engines I'm so clever.

Kate and Sam had lots of cool toys to play with.

And it was so much fun having my friend Kate to play with - I wanted to do everything she could do so I came home with lots of new tricks.

I also liked meeting the new baby Sam - I wasn't sure of him at first, but you pat him just like a pussy cat and it's all good.
Thanks for a great time Aunty Louby - can't wait for you to come visit at my house next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Miss Mac

I've been thinking that it's about time you came and visited me! It's only fair. You've been to see Aunty Louby twice and I've been to visit you! Perhaps you should go and ask Daddy when you're going to London.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Love Aunty Kathryn