Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Goodbye Mr Chess

Yesterday (May 29th) our pussy cat Mr Chess died.

I'm going to miss him lots. He's been my bestest friend.

I first met him when I was just a few days old, although he had been purring to me in my Mummy's tummy for 9 months before that.
We got on like a house on fire from day one, although we sometimes found it hard to share my Daddy.

My second word (after Daddy) was Chess because I loved him so much and I know he loved me, because he used to let me pat him even though sometimes I wasn't very gentle.

He helped me open my first Christmas presents

and we played outside together

and his favourite place to sleep changed from Mum & Dad's room to mine - cause he loved me the best.

We're all going to miss you very much Chess Chess.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mother's Day

This year was my Mum's first Mother's Day.

Dad and I spoilt her with presents in bed and then made her breakfast.

We then went to visit my Granny for lunch. Here's a photo of us together.

Monday, May 14, 2007

The ends of the earth

Mum and I went on a wee trip to visit my Aunty Louby, Uncle Stu, Kate and Sam all the way down in Invercargill.

I was very good on the plane, although I wasn't too keen on having to sit on Mum's knee for take off and landing - I was trying to talk to all the people on the plane - I can talk louder than the engines I'm so clever.

Kate and Sam had lots of cool toys to play with.

And it was so much fun having my friend Kate to play with - I wanted to do everything she could do so I came home with lots of new tricks.

I also liked meeting the new baby Sam - I wasn't sure of him at first, but you pat him just like a pussy cat and it's all good.
Thanks for a great time Aunty Louby - can't wait for you to come visit at my house next.

Look Out Chess

I am pretty speedy with my crawling now. I like to go on adventures all over the house, but best of all I like to chase my friend Chess and try to give him cuddles - lucky for me he is proving to be a very patient pussy cat and hasn't hurt me once... yet.

Holiday in Taupo

Mum and me took Daddy on holiday in Taupo. It was hard work convincing him to have some time off work but we showed him how to have lots of fun.

We had fish and chips down on the Lake.

Then we took a trip to Feilding to see my big brother.

Then we went swimming and visited a petting zoo - it was great fun.

Even though it was a holiday I made sure Mum and Dad were up bright and early to see the sunrise over Lake Taupo - thanks Uncle Tony for our great accomodation and views.