Wednesday, February 21, 2007

8 months old today

Yay I am 8 months old today - where has the time gone.

I like to read the newspaper just like my Mum, although sometimes it's more fun to play peek-a-boo with it.
I've also been enjoying the sunny weather going for walks with my Mum and Dad. I have my own sun hat, but sometimes its funny to borrow Daddy's one.
Tomorrow my Aunty Kathryn arrives all the way from London. Mum says she's going to be very tired by the time she gets to Hamilton but I know she'll want to come and visit me anyway so we can giggle together.
I'm sure we're going to get up to so much fun and games while she's here that she won't want to go back to stinky old London.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Girls Day Out

Yesterday we had our house sprayed to keep the nasty flies away so Mummy and me went to spend the day at Granny & Grandad's house.

Grandad was keeping busy working at my cousin's house, so Mummy, Granny and I went out shopping and for my first lunch out.
It was very exciting for me, I had some blueberry muffin and a drink from my cup - although for some reason my Mum didn't find it that relaxing with my squirming.

My first trip to the beach

On Waitangi Day Mum, Dad and I went to Raglan so that I could experience the beach.
I thought the water was pretty cold and wasn't so keen on having a paddle and the sand blew in my eyes, but I did like the picnic we had. Especially when Mum and Dad ate their lunch out of paper - that was lots of fun trying to steal it.

My amazing new skills

I am such a clever girl and I can do so many new things.

I have got really good at rolling because I practise it in bed - this is where Mum found me one day when I was supposed to be sleeping!
I can also say two words - Daddy and Chess (our cat), Mum feels a bit left out that even the cat comes above her but I do love him, I just wish he would sit a little bit closer so that I could give him a snuggle.