Sunday, January 28, 2007

My new swimming pool

My Aunty and Uncles overseas bought me a swimming pool for Christmas. It's really cool because it's big enough for me and Mummy & Daddy to get in.

It was very hot yesterday so after we had been out for a walk, we all jumped in.

I'll be able to practise all my new tricks that I learn at swimming this term.

Thanks Uncle Geoff, Uncle Ali, Aunty Kathryn and Uncle Matt for my cool pool.

New Tricks

I turned 7 months old this week and to mark the occasion I have been learning lots of new tricks.

I can now do a full 360° roll - whereas before I could only roll from my tummy to my back. My favourite time to practise rolling is when Mum is trying to feed me or change my nappy. I've also started pushing off mum when I'm on my tummy to get a bit of forward movement to get the toys I want - usually the tv remote.

I've watched my cousin Cooper too, and learnt that standing on your legs is lots of fun, so I like to try and pull myself up, especially in the bath - although Mum is a meany and won't let me play with the toys while I'm standing.

My Mum and Grandad were busy last week rennovating our lounge, I saw them using this cool stool to get to the high places, so I thought I would have a go too.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

More Visitors

My Great Uncle Gerry and Great Aunty Sue came to vist me and my cousins in Hamilton.

My cousins have a cool new tower with a slide and everything, so we took them outside to play and Jack, Cooper and me had turns going down the slide. I'm not quite as quick as my cousins, but I'm learning fast.

Jack's Birthday Party

I am such a social butterfly, I had yet another party to attend last weekend. This time for my big cousin Jack's 3rd birthday.

I love to watch big kids, I think they're very funny so I had a great time - here's me in my party hat.

Once upon a time my Great Grandmother Isobel had a turtle which my Mum used to play on. It was a little bit worse for wear but my clever Aunty Leah made a pattern from it and made a whole new turtle. Isn't he just the best - Jack say's his name is Zippy.

Bye Uncle Geoff

Before my Uncle Geoff went back to Australia we had a bbq at my Granny and Grandad's house.

Me and my cousins kept Uncle Geoff really busy. Jack had him playing in the sandpit...

and Cooper and I had a wee cuddle with him.

Hopefully now he doesn't live so far away we'll be able to see much more of them, I'm sure I heard him offer to babysit if I bring Mum and Dad over to visit.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Party Party Party

We went to a party at my friend's Kyle and Jamie's House.

My Granny & Grandad were there, Uncle Tony, Aunty Leah, Jack and Cooper plus the Merediths. It was lots of fun.

I played games with my cousin Cooper and my grandparents.

Mum and Dad wanted me to have a sleep but I could hear everyone having fun so I said no. Granny took me for a walk in the pushchair instead - when I left I was lying down so I could have a little sleep, but somehow when I came back I was sitting in the toddler seat. My Granny lets me get away with murder!

Visitors for me

I've had lots of visitors over the last week.

My big brother Andy has been staying with us.

and I finally got to meet my Uncle Geoff - he's my Godfather you know.

I think they're both pretty funny. I thought it was even funnier watching them do our gardens while I sat in the pushchair - I'm hoping Mum and Dad don't make me do all the work when I'm bigger.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My New Swing Set

For Christmas my Granny & Grandad bought me a swing set.

They came round to visit on New Years Dad and Mum and Grandad put it together for me.

I think swinging is the most fun ever.

New Years Eve

I'm such a party girl that I spent New Years Eve in Taupo - it was only for lunch but I can still say I went to Taupo for my first New Years Eve celebration.

My Mum is so old and boring that she went to bed instead of seeing the New Years in - but I had other plans, I woke her up at 11.55 so that I could enjoy a New Years Drink.

My Holiday at Nana & Grandads

I've now been to the Hawkes Bay to visit my Nana and Grandad.

While I was there I met lots more of my relatives.

My cousin Kaitlin

Plus my cousin Grace

My Great Nana Johnston

My Great Aunty Michelle

And of course I got to have cuddles with my Grandad Johnston too.