Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Day

More presents for me!

In fact I got a bit bored opening presents and just wanted to play with my new toys.

But then it was all very exciting when we went out to Granny & Grandad's for dinner and everyone was opening presents.

I got lots of Wiggles toys from my Aunties and Uncles and this cool table from Granny & Grandad.

We had lots of fun and Jack, Cooper and I had everyone dancing to the Wiggles to work off Christmas dinner.

Christmas Celebrations in the Hawke's Bay

We had an early Christmas with my Nana & Grandad in Hawke's Bay

I was spoilt rotten with lots of presents.

Including this cute tutu.
I had great fun with my cousins and Nana & Grandad.

We had a lovely relaxing holiday and even managed to enjoy fish and chips at the beach.

Thanks for a great holiday Nana & Grandad!

Packing for Christmas

We went to my Nana & Grandad's for an early Christmas.

I was a great help packing the suitcase - I made sure all the important things were in the suitcase like presents and me!
I am a very seasoned traveller and know all about wheeling my own bag around the airport.

The Beach

In mid December we went to catch up with my friends Sam and Kate at Mokau beach.
It was lots of fun jumping in the waves and playing in the sand.

My Granny came with us, but Grandad stayed home to do some work. I made sure he didn't miss out on the fun though by getting him to give me some rides on the train when we got back.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Christmas Time

Yay now its December its officially Christmas Time.

Yesterday my Granny came to help us put up our Christmas Tree.
I'm still not sure what its all for, but I like it when my Granny visits anyway.

The Stairs

I have made up a new game where I like to sit on the bottom step. It's just the right height for me.

Sometimes Bethany plays with me and sometimes I get Mum and Dad to play.
Its great fun because you have to go through the gate, which is supposed to keep me downstairs, but I just use it as a toy now.

Dress Ups

My Great Aunty Jo gave me this hat for playing dress ups - I think it is very funny.
Maybe I am trying to be like my Great Grandma because I like to have tea parties while wearing it.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Enjoying the Sunshine

Mum, Dad and I went for a walk in the lovely sunshine today.

I started off having a ride in my buggy, but then I found a lovely friendly pussy cat so I had to get out and pat him - I now have 4 pussy cat friends around the neighbourhood who give me cuddles.

After that I thought I'd try walking with my Dad for a bit.
But then it all got a bit tiring so I thought I'd use Daddy transport instead.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

17 Months Old Today

I'm 17 months old today and finally I'm feeling a bit better after my tummy bug.

My granny & grandad gave me a watering can to celebrate and I love it.
I tried watering the garden while I was dressed, but unfortunately I got a little wet, so I had to take all my clothes off - it didn't stop me playing with it though!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Thomas the tank engine

This is me having a ride on one of th Thomas the Tank Engine rides at our local shopping centre. There are two of them and normally Mum and Dad only let me sit in them, but yesterday I convinced Mum to put some money in so I could go round and round and round.

I love going for rides on things.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Just call me Al

Bundy that it is.
This is my cool couch that Mum bought for me off trade me for just $6 - what a bargain.

I love it, and it is particularly good for watching Dorothy on tv. I've been watching Dorothy a lot lately as I'm sick again - this time with my teeth. My mouth is so sore, I didn't eat all weekend and I still won't drink a bottle.

It hasn't been much fun for anyone in this house.

Hey Dad - I think you forgot something...

My Dad went off to conference, but he forgot me....

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The best weekend ever!

I have been sick all week, so my Dadddy has stayed home to look after me - I don't think he wants to be a stay at home Daddy anymore - I don't know why...

Anyway I'm feeling much better now that I have passed all my bugs onto Mum and Dad so we went out for some adventures today.

We went to Waikato World (which is like an a&p show). It combined my two favourite things in the whole world - animals and Dorothy Dinosour.

I had lots of fun patting the baby animals and I wasn't scared of the lambs even when they wanted to give me kisses.

I wasn't as sure of the goats - but they kept biting each other so I was a bit worried they would get me.
Then we watched Dorothy's show (this is what she looks like for anyone who doesn't know)
And this is how excited Daddy and I were to see her.

You see Daddy has learnt a lot about the wiggles over the last week, as while I was sick it was the only thing that made me happy. It was good though, because it meant he knew all the words to the songs so he could sing along too.

Monday, October 22, 2007

My first week at daycare

I know you're all wondering how my first week at daycare has gone.

Well I loved daycare. Mum was quite upset when she dropped me off on the first day but I was too busy playing with the other kids to notice.

The only problem is that I think I've picked up a bug from daycare as I've been sick all weekend.

All I've wanted to do is watch the wiggles and cuddle my teddies.
Mum and Dad are becoming such experts on all the wiggles songs that they think they can run away and become wiggles dancers.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Our last day of freedom

Today was Mum & my last day of freedom because on Monday Mum is going to go to work, and I'm off to daycare.

We decided we would treat ourselves and headed to Lollipops for some fun & games. I went on my first theme park ride with all the big kids - I thought it was fantastic and wasn't scared at all.

Granny's Birthday

For Granny's birthday, Granny & Grandad came to watch my swimming lesson. I thought it was great because they would clap whenever I did my tricks - I love people to clap for me.

Here's a picture of me doing my favourite trick - I run across the mat and dive into the pool.

After swimming, I helped Granny unwrap her present.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

The Donkey Farm

Today we went on a very exciting outing to a Donkey Farm.
They had donkeys, which you could have rides on...
And baby donkeys that were so cute...
Lots of toys, like this cart which I made Mum pull around...

Little baby cows that licked me, which tickled...
Chickens to chase, goats to visit and so much more.

Plus they had this cool truck which I got to drive,

I even knew how to operate the handbrake
So I could take Mum for a drive.
It was so much fun. I think Uncle Stu and Aunty Louby should move back to the Waikato and buy a farm - then I could spend all my time with them - I know lots about animals and machines so I'm sure I'd be a big help. Come on Uncle Stu, how about it??????

Party Party Party

Last night we had a party for Uncle Tony's, Aunty Leah's and Granny's birthdays.

I had been practising all day for blowing out the candles.
It was lots of fun, I loved playing games with my cousins - I think maybe I need some more cousins so we can have even more fun..... any offers?

Helping with the washing

I am a very helpful girl. I know all about how the washing machine works.

Once Mum takes the clothes out of it, I like to have a turn - although I like to wash shoes.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Thanks Fairy Godmother

It was very exciting this morning, I woke up to find that my fairy godmother had delivered a present in the night.

It was this cool stroller - I wasted no time in taking my teddy for a ride in it.
Thanks Aunty Louby - you're the best fairy godmother ever.

Toot Toot

I love cars at the moment. I like to drive Mummy and Daddy's ones while they're in the garage, but this week my friends Jamie and Kyle lent me their Huggies car - yay!
When Dad comes home from work I even take him for a drive - although its a bit of a tight squeeze.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Granny & Grandad's New House

Now I know you're all expecting to see photos of the flash new house that Granny & Grandad are building - but this is far better.

Granny & Grandad got a playhouse for me and my cousins to play in.
PS: I also helped Granny make important decisions about the other house while I was visiting her. But I liked being able to get down and play in 'my' house much better.

Friday, September 21, 2007

I love reading books!

This is the chair that Mum sits in to read me books, so I thought I should have a turn reading some stories to my friends teddy and peter rabbit.
My favourite way to read is to pull all my books off my bookshelf and then look through them.

Mum says its very messy but I like to be able to read lots at once.

Holiday in Hawera

Mum, Granny and I went on a little holiday to Hawera to see Aunty Louby, Sam and Katie.

It was lots of fun and I was a really good traveller - I didn't complain once about all the time in the car - although Granny made sure we had lots of stops along the way.

When we got there Katie, Sam and I played lots of fun games.
Plus we stayed at a really cool motel which had animals. I love animals and when I wasn't out visiting the sheep, pigs, goat and dogs, I had my nose pressed against the window to look at them. I think chasing the chickens was the most fun though.