Monday, December 18, 2006

My Christening

I was Christened on Sunday.

I didn't think it was a lot of fun. I had to wear a big white dress and I couldn't find my toes (I do like to suck them) and then go to Church where Mum wouldn't give me my food when I wanted it so I got a big grumpy.

The best part was that my Aunty Louby came to stay with us so she could be my Godmother.

It was also great to see my Nana & Grandad Johnston too and of course I was spoilt with lots of lovely gifts.


Anonymous said...

It was so lovely to spend your special day with you MacKenzie. I hope you are looking after your mum and Dad. lots of love, from Kate and Aunty Louby

Anonymous said... look beautiful Mackenzie. Gorgeous dress!! Sounded like a cool day!!