Thursday, March 20, 2014


Our cousin Angus has come over for a visit (bringing his mum and dad) with him.

He was quite excited to meet Theo, and thought Mackenzie was very funny.

Granny got to have cuddles with the two boys.

And then we had a 1/2 birthday party for Angus as he was 6 months old and we didn't think many of us would get to Australia for his first birthday.

Handsome devil!

One of the kindy teachers is getting married in the holidays so this week has been all about weddings at kindy. Alex did get married to Summer, but by the next day he didn't have a wife as she'd married his best friend, which he didn't seem too bothered about.

On Friday they were to have the big wedding ceremony and everyone had to come in their best clothes - here is our handsome devil.

Theo thought the hat was pretty cool - and thought he might do a song and dance routine with it.

Alex's watermelon

Alex has been growing a watermelon with Grandad Johnston.

He very proudly took it to kindy on Tuesday for shared fruit day and told them all about how he grew it. He says it tasted delicious!

Thanks Grandad!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Yay we're finally eating!

Mr Theo has been trying a bit of food since he was six months, however he has been less than impressed. Shuddering whenever he tasted something, avoiding the spoon and having a sore tummy after, but tonight we let him help himself to some roast veges and he enjoyed putting them in his mouth and then decided to polish off the baby apple we'd had with our roast pork -using three spoons to get enough in.

He has also got very excited about water - not out of his own bottle, but as soon as anyone fills up a glass, his legs start to kick, he grins and grabs for it.

On the move!

Right on seven months, Theo decided to get on the move. His big brother and sister were never ones for rolling on their tummy's as they were generally sore, but Theo seems to be willing to try in pursuit of all those lovely toys that get left just out of reach.

In this photo, he was left lying on his back on the mat, and this is where he ended up.

Friday, March 14, 2014

February 2014

Theo has been enjoying fun times with his big brother and sister.

He can now sit up pretty well, so can play more games - he particularly likes his lids (from Aunty Leah) and playing ball - he seems to have quite a good kick on him.
Bath time with his big brother is also pretty special and so far he'd much rather splash around in the warm water than in the cold swimming pool.

Theo also got to meet his Great Aunty B - he stayed up especially and even gave her snuggles.

Saturday, March 08, 2014

Amazing Alex

Alex is our amazing superhero. He is the most wonderful boy. He loves kindy and is so full of confidence these days. He has fabulous friends and loves to stand up in front of the class and share 'news' with his class.

He is an incredibly loving boy who loves to tell his mum that "he loves her with all his heart" and will always pick her flowers (even if they are dandelions!)

He is however the child who
 is always likely to need medical assistance - here he is with his suspected fracture - turned out to be just a sprain.
This week he won the trophy for being a good friend at kindy

And learnt to make his first cup of coffee for dad.

Alex you are awesome and we love you with all our hearts!