Friday, September 27, 2013

Meeting the extended family (Theo 4 weeks)

Aunty Jo, Uncle Murray and Megan came to visit Theo when they brought Megan back to University. We had to keep it a secret from the big kids or I'm sure they wouldn't have gone to school and kindy for the day.

Working bee (Theo 4 weeks)

Now Nannie and Grandad live so much closer they can come and visit more often - great for gardening....

and cuddles

Theo four weeks old

Our poor wee man is following in his brother and sister's footsteps with wind, reflux and a very sore tummy - like them he quite likes sleeping on his tummy, as Aunty Kathryn proved by having him fall asleep on his playmat.

Theo three weeks old

Theo loves snuggles with his dad and
finds his big brother and sister fascinating.
Of course, he's also popular with lots of friends who like having a new born baby to cuddle.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Cross country

Cross country time again - not Mackenzie's strongest activity but we were very proud that she kept going all the way to the end. Even her teacher recognised that she had tried really hard and gave her an award for her efforts.


Alex has become quite the helmet boy. Once his helmet is on it can stay on all day.

He's also growing in confidence with his swimming.

Our blue eyed boy - 2 weeks old

Theo got a lovely blue cardigan and extra big hat from Granny and Grandad - it really brings out his beautiful blue eyes.

He's growing fast and amazing the midwife with his 500g a week weight gain.

Ballet exam - primary

Mackenzie's first week back home was ballet exam time. She worked super hard practising and practising and Theo very conveniently came early so mum was out of hospital for it.

After working so hard, the girls got to go out for a special morning tea - don't know that it was the diet of champions or ballerinas but it was delicious!

Then home for some relaxing daddy cuddles.

Big kid adventures

Alex and Mackenzie were lucky enough to enjoy at holiday at Granny and Grandad's during Theo's arrival and stay in hospital.

They got to go on lots of adventures....

Although one of Mackenzie's friends snuck in for a visit to her new little brother while she was away!

At home snuggled up in my hammock

Monday, September 16, 2013

First photos

This is Theo all snuggled up in his hospital bed...

Thank goodness after a couple of days we managed to escape to River Ridge and edible food, where he got to enjoy a wooden bassinette rather than a plastic box.

He even had his first family photo and lots of cuddles with his visitors.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Theo's first visitors

Big sister Mackenzie and big brother Alex were eager to meet there new brother, as were Granny and Grandad. They were up at the hospital before we'd even escaped recovery.

Introducing Theodore Francis Johnston

Well its been a while and the gaps will be filled in but....

Here is Theo, born Saturday 3 August at 4pm weighing 7lb, 15 oz. Born via C-section  after he decided to do a late somersault and try and come out upside down. I think he may have been keeping an eye on his big sister in the swimming pool and seeing if he could try the same tricks.

He did have lovely curly hair when he came out - and came out very loud and very hungry!