Sunday, November 11, 2012

St Jospeh's athletics day

Last week was St Joseph's athletics day. It's not Mackenzie's favourite day of the year, not being a natural athlete as evidenced by her long(ish) jump, but she joined in and that's what counts.

Alex's favourite place

Alex loves going to visit his friend Jame's house because 

he has tractors


and dogs - the perfect place to live!

Mary Poppins

We decided to go to Mary Poppins instead of the ballet this year. Even Grandad came with us. It was a fabulous show with Mackenzie bouncing on the edge of her seat with a huge grin on her face for most of it.

Summer sun

We've already been enjoying some summer sun with the paddling pool up for after school play.


After much bribery and corruption Mackenzie convinced Mum to take them trick or treating on Halloween.

Even the normally reserved Alex, was into this fantastic idea of knocking on people's doors and getting given lollies.

The ballet show

This year's production was Angelina Ballerina, over the rainbow. Mackenzie was a yellow brick road princess and mum was a witch. Unfortunately Mum's costume was so hideous you only get a photo of Mackenzie this year.

Mum and Dad's 10th wedding anniversary

Mum and Dad escaped for labour weekend to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary.

They had lots of fun relaxing with beautiful scenes,

Checking out the observatory

and even enjoying snow!

Alex and Mackenzie had a ball at Granny and Grandad's for the weekend - Alex even worked out how to impersonate Grandad!


The first strawberries from our garden - now we're getting to enjoy some every couple of days - yummy!