Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Alex get in your pyjamas please...

Which results in every dressing up costume we have being put on....

Seems we have an awful lot of girly outfits and not so many 'boy' costumes.

Rainbow jammies

Mike and Jen very generously provided Alex with a wardrobe of clothes for the next few years, but the most popular item of clothing was two pairs of rainbow pyjamas.

Granny's birthday

We went out to Te Awamutu to spend Granny's birthday with her.

The kids were very helpful at blowing out candles

 opening presents

and even went to the toy shop to advise Granny on bikes - although they were more keen on the horse

School holiday activities

We met some of Mackenzie's school friends at the park - the kids enjoyed practising their climbing skills that they've been learning at gym - Mackenzie's new confidence is unbelievable!

 Bella came over for a visit and taught Alex how to go down the slide backwards...

And Eve and Mackenzie went ice skating.

Bella and Zach visit

Bella and Zach came to visit while Mackenzie was on school holidays.

Bella, Alex and Mackenzie got on very well,

But Zach's love of teddies concerned Alex - he was a bit worried he was eyeing up his and as teddy had very nearly been lost forever the day before at the shopping centre, Alex wasn't letting him go for anyone.

Our holiday to Invercargill

We had a wonderful holiday in Invercargill with our friends.

We loved feeding lambs


Going to playgym

An outing to McDonalds with 6 kids for Mum was interesting

Playing on the jungle gym (mum and aunty louby even tried to relive their childhood)

Going to ballet class with Kate

Going to the park

An outing to Chipmunks

And lots of time at home just playing - barbies, lego, doctors (in tents), diggers

Plus our three year old boys became firm friends.
Uncle Stu was also a big highlight, especially for Alex, and as his arrival also generally coincided with goody goody gumdrops ice cream  I think it may have been his favourite time of night.

Alex's adventures at James' house

Going to visit James is one of Alex's favourite activities.

James lives out in the country and has dogs and goats and best of all his Poppa does up tractors so always has plenty for the boys to play farmers on.

Here are some fantastic photos that James' talented mum took of us walking the goats.