Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Wiggles

Finally the day of the Wiggles concert arrived.

Alex had done lots of preparation making a bone for wags, a rose for Dorothy and a feathersword for Captain Feathersword.

He waited very patiently at the theatre for the show to start.

We had great seats so could see the Wiggles up close.

We got to meet the new yellow Wiggle, Emma, although Alex wasn't feeling too good so wouldn't have his photo with her (but that's his bone she is holding)

And we got to meet Greg too.

It was lots of fun - now Alex would like Fireman Sam to come and do a show.

New camera

Mum got a new camera - the old one stopped working perhaps due to an inquisitive wee lad.

Here are some photos of the kids posing while it was tested.


Mackenzie is coming along really well at swimming this term, still along way from an olympic swimmer but she at least looks like she's swimming rather than drowning when she's doing freestyle now.

Her teacher, Pat, is great and lets them have lots of fun at the end of their lesson riding the fish.

Rock climbing

Gym has made a huge difference to Mackenzie's ability at all her activities and her confidence at rock climbing.

After a slow start, an injection of party food meant she had the energy to climb to the top of lots and lots of walls.

Behind the times in Te Awamutu

On a visit to Te Awamutu to catch up with Aunty Jo, Uncle Murray and Megan we stopped off at the museum.

We were suprisingly impressed and could have spent much longer there...

dressing up in old fashioned clothes

sitting at an old desk and writing with ink - just like Anne of Green Gables - our favourite story at the moment.

Dental checkup

It was that time of year for our teeth checkup.

Alex was big and brave - especially as he'd had his sister to show him how to do it, but teddy thought he'd still provide some support.

The perfect host

Alex has been a very sociable boy since starting kindy. He is also now loving Kindy and tells us that he loves it.  He also loves being able to tell everyone about his day at dinnertime.

He had a (girl)friend called Ashley over to play who was having a lot of fun dressing up in Mackenzie's tutu's, Alex was such a lovely host he decided to join in too...