Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Library playgroup

Alex and Bella enjoyed an outing to the library playgroup where they got to make medals and then went out for a treat of fruit fondue .....with marshmallows.

Cross country

After a week of the flu, Mackenzie headed back to school ready for the cross country. She could barely breathe due to her cough but insisted she was taking part...

She ended up walking with Mr Carlo most of the way - until he chased her to the finish line - but at least she did it.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Mackenzie's first ballet exam

Makenzie sat her first ballet exam on 26 July.

She put in lots of hard work practising to make sure she knew exactly what to do and certainly looked beautiful!

Our big kindy boy

Alex started kindy on 17 July.

He was very proud to be a big kindy boy but not so keen on the idea that Mum doesn't stay and play at kindy.

We're working on staying a bit longer on our own each day and learning who the teachers are.

It can't be too bad however as he doesn't seem to find time to stop and eat with all the toys to play with.

Baby Zach's christening

Baby Zach was christened in July.  Mackenzie was big and brave and helped Granny with the prayers while Mummy was very proud to be Zach's Godmother.

Baby Zach and Bella visit

Baby Zach and Bella came for a visit in the school holidays.

Shane's 40th birthday

Birthday season finished with Shane's 40th birthday.

Nannie and Grandad came up for a weekend and the kids got their birthday presents too.

Then when we had Dad's favourite dinner of roast lamb followed by a spectacular cake made by Nannie.

There were plenty of hands available to help with unwrapping gifts.

On his actual birthday we convinced him to take the day of work and we went on a big adventure to Hobbiton

Althought the kids favourite part of the trip was feeding the lambs

 Then it was home for more cake!

Alex's 3rd birthday

Birthday continued the following week with Alex's 3rd birthday - he was spoilt with a microwave, bike trailer and Diego rescue centre.

Easily impressed, Alex said it was the best birthday ever when he saw the birthday cake

We then went to Pirate Island with James, Luke, Vinnie and Bella for a wee party and a big party - the kids had a ball.

And much to Mum and Dad's disappointment, Alex's choice for dinner was McDonalds...again.

Mackenzie's 6th birthday

Mackenzie's birthday was a very exciting day

It started off with presents at home plus breakfast in our room (just like Mum's breakfast in bed on her birthday!)

Then at school, the mums had arranged a baby shower for Mackenzie's teacher so she got to have party food with her class for lunch.

Dinner was at McDonalds with Granny, Grandad, Megan, Aunty Kathryn, Uncle Matt, Bella, Cooper and Vinnie. Alex was very keen to look after baby Zach and share his fries with him, although he wasn't so keen on Mackenzie getting more presents and him not getting any  yet.

The next day was the party....

eight five and six year old girls and one little brother.....

There was face painting from the wonderful Megan - Alex was a very cool crocodile - but then decided he didn't like the feel of it...

Presents - again the little brother may have been a little unhappy that Mackenzie was getting more presents and it still wasn't his birthday yet.

Party food


And lots and lots of fun - apparently the best birthday so far!