Sunday, May 29, 2011

One month to go until the birthdays

The countdown is on until our birthdays. Alex is trying to be a big boy and sleep in a bed but so far there is not a lot of sleeping that happens when he trys to share a room and/or bed with Mackenzie!

Alex has also suddenly decided he knows how to speak in sentences and came out with counting up to 9 today - Mum and Dad didn't know he could get past 3 before. However if you're in trouble you'll still got told off in Alex language.

Am I big enough for kindy yet?

Alex loves kindy and happily joins in with the big kids - unfortunately it's a long wait to get in.

Trip to the park with Dad

'allo 'allo 'allo - what's going on here

Alex's favourite costume at the moment is his policeman's hat...

although with an angelic fairy like this, he's not likely to be making any arrests

Mum's birthday

We had a wee gathering for Mum's birthday so we could enjoy some cake and lollies - thanks Aunty Kathryn and Bella for the cake!

Playcentre with Alex

I now go to Playcentre with my cousin Bella. I love it and get sooo excited when I see it. Yes I did climb up here myself.

I love playing with Bella,

but I'm also quite fond of hanging out with the boys

and getting wet is probably my favourite thing of all.

Feeding Tom

Mum said I could feed Tom one day. I gave him some bickies but then I decided it was important that he have his veges like me so I got some out of the shopping for his dinner too.


Mackenzie had been begging for a trip to Lollipops so before school starts we went off on an adventure and had lots of fun playing with all the toys and climbing all the way to the top of the climbing frames.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Easter spoils

We got thoroughly spoilt again at Easter.

Easter bunny left some eggs for us to find,

Mum and Dad and Granny and Grandad gave us presents

and then we had Eve's Easter party - what fun!

Easter holidays

We had friends from Wellington come to visit for a few days in the kindy holidays. It was great fun, we did lots of treasure hunts and explored lots of parks. Mackenzie is still asking why Ben could only come for 3 days.

Fun and games

I'm a very busy boy now and I'm talking lots more. Mum is still the only one who really understands but that's ok. If you don't, I just take your hand and lead you where I want to go - which is often the pantry. I also like lots of pretend play like taking teddy for a walk in the pushchair and making lots of cups of tea.

Uncle Ali's birthday

Uncle Ali came down to spend his birthday with us. We got all dressed up for the event and made him a tennis racket birthday cake (even if some people thought it was a guitar!)

I'm a big boy now!

Potty time is a real event in this house - everyone's invited!
Alex has made more progress today asking to go wees on the big toilet twice and performing today. Now we just need to work on his aim!

Our technical genius

After years keeping his sister away from technology, Alex can work the Ipad all by himself at 1. He knows how to turn it on, find what he wants and make all the games work - I blame his father!


We got up bright and early for the balloons this year. Mum even had to wake us up. As you can see from the photos, Alex is a bit like his Dad and isn't a morning person, but he perked up once the balloons started going up in the sky. We even managed to catch up with Granny, Aunty Kathryn, Uncle Matt and Bella.