Sunday, December 20, 2009

Aren't I a clever boy!

Look at me I can sit. Its sooo funny. Mind you I think most things are very funny especially my big sister and my Dad.

Dad is convinced I'm also saying "dad dad dad" but Mum refuses to believe it as she spends hours trying to teach me "mum mum mum".

My friend Eve

Eve is my bestest friend. We've been going to the same daycare since we started and now we like to have play dates at each other's house.

When she came on Saturday we even had a swim in my pool - fun!

Peter Pan

After going to the ballet I am soooo into Peter Pan.

Mum has had to read the book five million six hundred and seventy seven times and now I like to make Mum and Dad play Peter Pan with me.

This is me being Wendy all tied up then Peter Pan has to come and save me.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I love my teddy

My big sister has a very special teddy and when I was born she bought me one too.

Yesterday when Mum and Mackenzie snuck in to wake me up they found me cuddling mine for the first time.

Alex - food glorious food

So after being a champion sleeper at night I started waking mum up twice a night starving so she decided it was time for me to start some real food.

So far I think its pretty cool - I espcially like the fact that I get to join in meal times with my big sister - now if only she'll share those chips with me I'd be really happy!

The ballet

Mum, Granny and I went on a very exciting outing to the ballet.

It was very late at night so I had to have a wee nap in the afternoon.

We got all dressed up in our best clothes.

Although Mum had prepared me for the story of the ballet she'd forgotten to mention there would be so many people watching the ballet with us so I was a bit surprised but I loved it, even though Captain Hook was a bit scary.

Two weeks later I'm still making mum read chapters from the book and asking non-stop questions.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Our trip to Invercargill

We had a lovely trip to Invercargill.
We had an early Christmas with our friends...

Played so many games....

Went on adventures to the river...
Tried food for the first time...

Celebrated Aunty Louby's birthday (with a forest of candles)

and had a lovely holiday. We were very sad to head home but pleased to see Daddy again.
Thanks Aunty Louby, Uncle Stu, Kate, Sam and Lachie.