Thursday, August 27, 2009

Two months old

I'm having a good week this week. I've managed to capture my hand so that I can suck it. I particularly like to roll to my side during play time, suck my hand and watch my big sister.
I'm doing really good sleeping now and even sleeping 8 - 9 hours at night. Mum thinks I'm a legend. When I'm awake I love to talk and smile at everybody and Mum finally managed to capture a photo of me smiling while I had a cuddle with my sister.

Tummy Time

Monday, August 17, 2009

Nannie and Grandad

My Nannie and Grandad came to visit to meet my new brother.

Nannie brought me lots of cool presents to dress up in.
Alex and I had cuddles with Nannie and Grandad.

I love looking after my brother, in fact when mum said she needed Alex back to feed him, I said "No, I'll do it".

Monday, August 10, 2009

My new cousin

This is my new cousin Bella. She's exectly 6 weeks younger than me. I was showing her how big she could get if she gobbled food like me!

Alex and Daddy

This is me and my Dad. We're great friends and love to cuddle. Daddy even had me laughing for the first time last night!

Our growing boy

This is Alex at 5 1/2 weeks, weighing in at a healthy 5.5kb or 12lb 2oz - he's definitely growing fast!

Saturday, August 01, 2009


Hi I'm Alex. I love baths just like my sister. I like to kick, kick, kick. I'm growing into a big boy because I like to eat - a lot. Last time I was weighed I was 11lb - I'll let you know my progress next week when I have my next visitor to poke and prod me.


We've been very lucky as my Aunty Louby and Lachie have been to visit.

It was just for a short time but it was great.

Here is me, Aunty Louby and Alex having cuddles - I even got a smile from Alex! Mum has been getting smiles for a couple of weeks now, but now Alex is starting to smile and Dad and I too.
Then I lay down with Lachie and Alex to pretend to be a bubba.
Once Alex had had enough, Lachie and I practiced doing big kicks.
Thanks for visiting!