Monday, June 22, 2009

The big 3 year old!

Today is my birthday. I've had a great day.

I decided to take the day off daycare to spend some time with my mum.

I got a box of dress ups from Mum and Dad which I had great fun playing with. I dressed as a fairy dancing girl for most of the day.
We met Granny and Dad at Old McDonalds (McDonalds) for lunch and a play at the playground - where I decided to be a fairy dancing girl/pussy cat.
Then after dinner, Mum, Dad and I went out for ice cream.

Thank goodness its not all over yet as I'm going to take cake to celebrate with my day care friends tomorrow.

My birthday party

On Saturday I had my birthday party.

It was so much fun. I dressed up as a fairy because the fairies are my favourite at the moment - I like to be the pink one, Rhapsody.

We decorated fairy cakes and played games...
and I got lots of cool presents, thanks for spoiling me everyone.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our new baby!

Is a bit bigger than we expected!!!

Sorry no actual news, just a big girl who is enjoying playing with all the baby's things and says "Mum we've got all the toys for the baby just no baby!"

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Nannie and Grandad Johnston

My Nannie and Grandad Johnston came to visit on their way to their holiday (and home again).

I took them down the road to the park for some fun and games!

Grandad's Birthday

I made my Grandad Mac a birthday cake for his birthday. Mum was a bit distracted when we were decorating it and somehow every jelly bean we had ended up on top of the cake.

Fairy Ballet

This is me doing my fairy ballet - somehow Mum has missed recording the sound on her new camera but I hope you like my dancing anyway!