Monday, March 23, 2009

Holiday at Nannie & Grandad's

We went on holiday to Nannie and Grandad's.

We went to animal park and patted all the animals.

Then one day we went to the park on a lion hunt and we found one!

I was a bit scared when it started roaring - but it was just Grandad being silly!

Cooper's birthday

My cousin Cooper had his 3rd birthday party at Lollipops - it was so cool!

I dressed up in my fairy dress to go to the party and had great fun playing with all the toys.
Then my big cousin Jack was dressing up so I did too - this is me being a sheep.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The danger of books!

I've been reading a book about a little girl who doesn't go to bed at night as she's too busy playing.

I told Mum and Dad last night that I wasn't going to bed, even when they said they were.

So Mum and Dad went off to bed leaving me with my lion song confident that I couldn't make the tv play it again and would be bored in 5 mins....

But no. I figured out how to make it play 6 x, then I got up and turned the tv off. I crept down the hall to check on Mum and Dad using my quiet voice so as not to wake them. Then I came back to the lounge to play.

I only called for Mum 3/4 hour later when I got stuck doing one of my puzzles - I guess she does come in handy sometimes!

Day at granny and grandad's

Yesterday I went to Granny and Grandad's with Mum and Cooper was there too.

I had to get all dressed up for my outing and wear my new shoes. You know you've got great new shoes when you want to put them on as soon as you get out of bed.

Cooper and I kept Granny and Grandad busy and both had a big sleep after stories with Granny.

Monday, March 09, 2009


My big cousin Megan came to visit with Granny and Grandad.

I thought she was pretty cool cause she played games with me and gave me two bags.

Ever since her visit I keep asking Mum if she'll be with Granny and Grandad next time we see them and I love my new bags so much I've taken a different one to daycare each day so I can show them off.

Me and my mum

We went on a special boat for dinner to celebrate Granny and Grandad's 40th wedding anniversary.

It was lots of fun, I had all my favourite people around to play games with me and I got to eat chips for dinner.

I love the fairies

I love the fairies.

I like to do their dances and dress up like them - this is my dress like Rhapsody, I tell Mum she can be Harmony and Daddy he is Barnaby the busy buzzy bee...
Now I just have to figure out how to get them to dress up too.