Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

I was a very good girl and slept in until 6.30 on Christmas morning. Then I had a play in my bed with my dolls and picked out some clothes to wear from my drawers before I called out to Mum that I was ready to get up.

I was then very patient and got dressed while I waited for my Dad to come downstairs - he doesn't like getting up in the mornings!

Then I got to open my presents from Santa - Wow! He brought me my cash register plus lots of other small things to play with.
I went outside to check if the reindeer had eaten the carrots and then I spotted somthing....

A playhouse at my house!
I love my house and had everyone playing in it, although Grandad said he had learnt his lesson from the night before and that it was too small for him to get into.

I tried to use my swimming ring too but there was no water and Mum wouldn't let me go to Aunty Leah's house.
Then Nannie and Grandad turned up and there were more presents!
After my sleep we went to Granny and Grandad's house for Christmas dinner. Granny and Grandad had bought water pistols for us to surprise Uncle Ali with when he arrived. It took me a while to master but once I had I wanted to squirt everyone for hours just like my big cousin Jack!
Then of course there were more presents!
I had a very big day and got very tired at the end of it - thank you everyone for spoiling me so much.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was very exciting. Granny and Grandad brought their caravan to our house to sleep in. Then we went to church and I had Granny, Grandad and Mum all dancing in a circle to the Christmas Carols (yes in a packed church).

After church we came home and got ready for Santa. I put out a snack for him and the reindeer and hung up my stocking...

Once I was asleep, the elves got to work...

Me and my Dad

Me and my Dad are very good friends these days. We like to do lots of fun things together and have lots of cuddles.

Here I am helping Dad wash his big red car.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Merry Christmas everyone!

Here's my in my santa hat...

and singing my favourite santa song - really loud!

I'm ready to go out Granny!

I like to have a lot of input into what I wear these days.

Today I thought my tutu might be the thing for an outing with Granny...
By the time she arrived I'd changed my mind and my clothes another couple of times though.

Sorry I"ve been away so long...

Mum's just been busy with work and stuff and hasn't got near the computer.

In November my bestest friends came to stay for the weekend.

It was so much fun, I wish they'd come and live in the Waikato so we could play all the time.