Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Day

More presents for me!

In fact I got a bit bored opening presents and just wanted to play with my new toys.

But then it was all very exciting when we went out to Granny & Grandad's for dinner and everyone was opening presents.

I got lots of Wiggles toys from my Aunties and Uncles and this cool table from Granny & Grandad.

We had lots of fun and Jack, Cooper and I had everyone dancing to the Wiggles to work off Christmas dinner.

Christmas Celebrations in the Hawke's Bay

We had an early Christmas with my Nana & Grandad in Hawke's Bay

I was spoilt rotten with lots of presents.

Including this cute tutu.
I had great fun with my cousins and Nana & Grandad.

We had a lovely relaxing holiday and even managed to enjoy fish and chips at the beach.

Thanks for a great holiday Nana & Grandad!

Packing for Christmas

We went to my Nana & Grandad's for an early Christmas.

I was a great help packing the suitcase - I made sure all the important things were in the suitcase like presents and me!
I am a very seasoned traveller and know all about wheeling my own bag around the airport.

The Beach

In mid December we went to catch up with my friends Sam and Kate at Mokau beach.
It was lots of fun jumping in the waves and playing in the sand.

My Granny came with us, but Grandad stayed home to do some work. I made sure he didn't miss out on the fun though by getting him to give me some rides on the train when we got back.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Christmas Time

Yay now its December its officially Christmas Time.

Yesterday my Granny came to help us put up our Christmas Tree.
I'm still not sure what its all for, but I like it when my Granny visits anyway.

The Stairs

I have made up a new game where I like to sit on the bottom step. It's just the right height for me.

Sometimes Bethany plays with me and sometimes I get Mum and Dad to play.
Its great fun because you have to go through the gate, which is supposed to keep me downstairs, but I just use it as a toy now.

Dress Ups

My Great Aunty Jo gave me this hat for playing dress ups - I think it is very funny.
Maybe I am trying to be like my Great Grandma because I like to have tea parties while wearing it.