Monday, July 30, 2007

Holiday at the Beach

At the weekend we went away for a night at the beach with Mike, Jenny, Jamie and Kyle.

It was great fun running around on the beach...
and going to the playground...
And Jamie, Kyle and Jenny gave me lots and lots of cuddles

My Farm

My Mum & Dad bought me a cool farm for my birthday. I spend hours and hours chatting away to the animals in it and opening their gates for them.

When Dad comes home from work I let him play too - as well as my teddy and little pussy cat - my farm is great fun for everyone.


I love playgrounds. There are so many things to climb on and big kids to look at and of course my favourite - slides!
I love going down slides but I haven't quite figured out that you're not supposed to climb back up them. I like to watch what all the big kids do at the park and then when I can get a turn I copy them - its great fun.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Birthday Party

Because my Dad is extra special we had a wee party and another birthday cake for him on Sunday.
I helped Dad blow out the candles once, but then all the other kids wanted a turn too.
Parties are lots of fun!

Daddy's Birthday

My Dad was away for his birthday but when he came home we gave him presents, which I showed him how to unwrap...
And had a birthday cake for him.

My new horsey

While my Dad was away last week I went to spend a night with Mum at Granny & Grandads.

It was a very good trip because I came home with a horsey. I like to ride him, but I also like to give my dollies and teddies a turn while I make the trot trot noise for them.

Mum also bought me my own little chair which I also love sitting on and pushing around the lounge.