Tuesday, December 26, 2006

My First Christmas

I had a lovely first Christmas day.
I got up bright and early and Santa had filled my stocking with presents.
Chess helped me unwrap them all while Mummy & Daddy watched.Later in the day we went out to my Granny & Grandads so we could have more pressies (and Christmas Dinner). It was lots & lots of fun - I can't wait for next year.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Only two more sleeps until Santa. I can't wait - I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas with all your family & friends.

Lots of love Mackenzie & her Mum & Dad

Monday, December 18, 2006

My Christening

I was Christened on Sunday.

I didn't think it was a lot of fun. I had to wear a big white dress and I couldn't find my toes (I do like to suck them) and then go to Church where Mum wouldn't give me my food when I wanted it so I got a big grumpy.

The best part was that my Aunty Louby came to stay with us so she could be my Godmother.

It was also great to see my Nana & Grandad Johnston too and of course I was spoilt with lots of lovely gifts.

Double Trouble

My friend Kate and my Aunty Louby have been staying with us.

It's been lots of fun. When we go out in the car Mum and Aunty Louby sit in the front and gossip and Kate and I sit in the back and talk and giggle.

Every night we jump in the bath together and laugh and splash. Kate thinks it's really funny when my Mum pours water on my head - I just think she's really funny.

Kate has been educating all of us about The Wiggles - my Dad even knows some of the songs and actions now!

Thursday, December 07, 2006


This week I started eating some solids - if you can call them that.

First I started with baby rice, I thought that was disgusting and promptly vomited it back up over my Dad - sorry no photos of that.

Then we tried pears but I didn't like those either - Mum ended up eating them.

Today I found something I did like - Pumpkin. Plus it's this lovely orange colour which means you can make everything really messy by sticking your hands in it and wiping them all over your clothes!

Monday, December 04, 2006

I can sit all by myself!

I can sit up all by myself.

I'm a little wobbly but I think this is a much better way to look at the world - in fact I try and sit up whenever Mum trys to lie me down. I even try and sit up when I'm at swimming and of course I now like to sit up and chase my toys around the bath.

Next week my friend Kate is coming to stay - I can't wait to show her all my new tricks.

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